The Conspiracy and Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible

Sunday, February 24, 2013

High Impact Christianity In A Low Impact World By Minister Speed

Prayer For High Impact Christianity In A Low Impact World

Father I come to you boldly as a son to his Father and I greet you in the name of Jesus  your son because you have said that there is none other name given under heaven whereby men must be saved except the name of Jesus.

Father I adore you and praise you because you are worthy to be praised.  You have brought me from darkness to a place of light, and redeem me out of the hand of the enemy, and for this I will give you all the glory.

Father I enter into your courts with praise and your gates with thanksgiving, and my desire is to dwell in your presence because it is there that I find strength and security.

Father I confess my sins before you, and I repent in the name and after the nature of Jesus the Messiah and I ask as a son that you hear my prayer and that this word goes to you unheeded by any demonic activity.

Father I come in the place of all my brothers and sisters who may be in trouble right now, those who don’t know your word or your will, and I intercede on their behalf and by faith cover them with the shed blood of the Holy One, Jesus the Christ .

Father as your son I submit to your will and your ways and I humbly ask that you use me as a Master would use that which belongs to him.  Conform me by any means necessary to your image and after your likeness and I will not forget to give you all the glory because you are worthy of all the praise. 

Amen and Hallelujah

This lesson comes at a time when the world is as it has never been before.  This world has progressively moved away from the will of God to a position of complete enmity against the words, will, and ways of God.

This lesson will be broken down into 3 Points.  They will instruct you on how to develop a high impact Christian lifestyle and will teach you how to cultivate that which you have developed.

Historically speaking when I speak to you of the world I will be speaking to you from the Christian understanding as given by scripture.

Webster dictionary defines The World as the globe or planet Earth, everything that exist anywhere.  The secular concerns of the Earth and its affairs i.e. a worldly person.  A system of governments, people, creatures and plant life.

These definitions are by nature designed to keep one in a state of delusion and its patterns are designed to promote a self generation of the working of the flesh producing anti-godly, anti- Christian beliefs, thoughts, and actions of which the end result is eternal death.

Throughout scripture the world is mentioned as the enemy against God and the key element which prevents us from living the high impact Christian lifestyle that Christ has called us to.

Through the Holy Spirit we have put together a definition that should help you to define the true nature of the world and enable you to see it from a godly perspective.

“The world is a system of beliefs and thinking, an ideology created by Satan to develop in mankind the self generation of sin.  This system includes anti Christian ideas involving the family, education, governments and politics, medicine, sex, marriage, the economy, races, and television”.

In other words the end of the world would not be the end of birds and trees but the end of a system.

If the world is against God then the world has lost its god…ly mind.

If that is the case then we need to come out of the world.

Please turn to the Word of God, the book of James chapter 4:4.  From this verse I will be reading from the NIV which reads “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God?  Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God”.

What a powerful statement from God.  The word adulterer used here comes from the Greek word Mochiea.  Literally translated it means sexual intercourse with a third party during marriage.

Throughout history and in this verse God has described His relationship with Israel and now the church as a marriage. God’s people often after entering into a marriage commitment with Him stray away to other gods and ways of worship. 

In James 4:4  He is not talking to non Christians but He point blanks calls His people who deliberately participate in the ways of the world adulterous or the mixing of pure with impure.

In our desire to develop a High impact Christian lifestyle we can now see the need to Identify the deception of the world, develop a lifestyle according to the word of God and cultivate that lifestyle into a high impact Christian life with the ability to sustain oneself through the high and low spots that are sure to come.

This message is intended to help you to develop a high impact Christian lifestyle.  It has been designed to enable you to cultivate a spiritual fitness ministry so that you may be fit for the race ahead.

I will be making points in helping you to developing this high impact Christian lifestyle.  My intent is to point you in the right direction so that you may identify the things in your daily walk that may be missing or lacking which would prevent you from the high impact lifestyle. 

Remember our goal is high impact and will require a reconditioning from the old status quo twice a week church attendance which has been the norm among many born again believers in this day.

Point 1

RENEW--- Many born again believers are so ingrain into the system of the world that even after accepting Christ there remain many strongholds which would prevent them from having the impact that God has in store for us.  

Many falsely believe that just being a Christian brings about a renewed mind but the bible clearly states that faith without works is dead or not real faith but a deluded state of mind. 

The book of James chapter 4:7 reads submits yourselves therefore to God.  Resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Many misquote this verse by just stating the “resist the devil and he will flee” part, but they unconsciously omit the beginning statement submit yourselves to God. 

There can be no understanding of the devil let alone resisting him without first submitting to God.  There can be no submitting to God without the true knowledge of His son Jesus Christ and the Principles He has set forth in His words to bring about in us a High impact lifestyle in a world gone mad.

Please turn to Roman 12:2.  This scripture give us definite insight on how we are to change our thinking so that we can develop a positive and impacting life.  It reads in the NIV, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will”.

The word of God states that “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new”.  1 Cor. 5:17

This suggests that the mind you got saved with has to change.  You can’t stay full on a steak you ate last week and the mind you possess operates on the same principles.  It needs constant feeding in the ways and word of God to properly develop.

I have listed four tools within Point 1 to help you to renew your mind. 

1. Constant reading and listening to the word of God.  This will strengthen your relationship with the Holy Spirit and increase your faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

2. Those things you can change, change.  You’ve got to submit to God and consciously remove those things that you know are an offense to God and a stumbling block to your high impact lifestyle.  For me these things include the removal of all alcohol, cigarettes, night club lifestyle and also certain foods that I have completely given up for the benefit of my temple.  This is not an overnight matter but should continue for a lifetime. 

3.  As you go throughout your day remember the worlds’ main goal is to pull you in and infiltrate your mind with the simple things of the world that we take for granted.  Pause throughout your day and say simple and very short prayers that are connected to what’s going on in the now.

 4.  Find a word based church that teaches biblical Christianity.  When you find that church place yourself in a position to be of service and know that high impact and low impact are on the opposite ends of the spectrum.  The bible says be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  Half measures avails us nothing.  We must become willing to be completely sold out for Jesus Christ if we are to reach our goals.

 Point 2

RESTORE--- The word restore means to return to its original or usable and functioning condition, to regenerate or return to life.  In the case of the high impact lifestyle, the definition I will use is to get or give new life or energy

After my mind is renew on a day to day basis of reading the word of God and marinating in the Holy Spirit of God, you will begin to develop fruits, and the gifts of the spirit begin to manifest themselves in your life.  

I am now able to be used by God, in service to my pastor and the regional church I belong to.   Oftentimes at this level we can experience burnout because while we are not dominated by this world we still have worldly obligation which pulls us often to the brink of exhaustion. 

It is often said that money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose in service to Christ, those in the faith and the world about us.  For this reason we must experience new life and energy from the Father above. 

Please turn to the word of God the book of Psalm 23:1-3 KJV version.  It reads “The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.  He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.  He restores my soul. It then goes on to say He leads me in the path of righteous for His name’s sake”. 

We can see that God the Father is the restorer and all of our strength should rest in Him.  We can also read that after our soul (which is our mind, will, and emotions) is restored God leads us in the path of righteous for the furtherance of His kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ.

Restoration is God’s business but it only happens when we store up our treasure in Him and not those things of the world.  We have been commanded to be in the world and not of the world. 

When we allow Him to lead us as our shepherd then the pull of this world is but a glance to the eternity of His promises in our lives.  I now become willing to turn my will, my emotions, and my life over to God so that He can restore me so that I may continue a high impact Christian lifestyle.

Point 3

Revival—the world revival is a worn out concept in the sense that at this stage in developing a high impact Christian lifestyle, we are seeking to develop newness with Christ.  

In my new book " A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier" I suggest that“The very word revival suggests a degradation of the very instrument which gives the church its very essence and influence.  This is the power of the Holy Spirit without which there is spiritual death.  This proves, conclusively, that if there is a dramatic need for REVIVAL in which there is a worldwide cry to God, then there must be a cataclysmic failure of the church to move, operate, and be led under the auspices of the Holy Spirit”.

Again in Revelation 21:5 KJV Jesus states behold I make all things new.  This newness cannot be redone over from the past because the word new indicates a quality that exists now that has never existed before. 

In this, the last point in developing a high impact Christian lifestyle in a low impact world, we will define a new word for a new person with a new lifestyle. 
I call this word “Newvival”.  I have define a newvivalist as high impact men and women who have been fill with new wine from the Holy Spirit in these the last days.  These men and women are completely sold out to being conform to the image and after the likeness of Jesus Christ.  As you cannot put new wine into old wineskin they are called new wineskin and are able to let go of old archaic traditions which make the word of God to no effect.

They are innovators and adapt early to different non denominational and non traditional methods of reaching souls that are lost in Christ.  They are leaders of the next church which the Holy Spirit is ushering in to reap a harvest in a world where God does not exist. 

In Closing, Saints, God is doing a new thing. Since the death of Christ, He is leaving the old and pouring out new wine (His Spirit) and using new wineskin (people). You must become willing to let go of traditions and old techniques and ways of doing things, and in this the last days, become early and creative adapters  breaking all traditions and in the way Gods’ word is delivered.     


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