The Conspiracy and Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Excerpt From my 2nd Book 2014 Release Minister Speed

To all my friends my next book "The Revealed Word of God" is the second in a 3 part series to be released 2015.  It is design to move us away from the religious experience which is entrapping the American Christians today.  These books are written through the Holy Spirit to help you develop a Spiritual Fitness Plan which will enable you to strengthen your relationship with God/Christ and develop strategies in this deadly warfare we are living in.  

Be sure to contact me or follow link below to  purchase the first book "A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier".  

Order copy here "A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier"

Enjoy the excerpt and please feel free to leave a comment, questions, or statements. 

The Explosiveness of the Word of God

For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrew 4:12 NIV

So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Have you ever been in church service and heard a word from God that changed your very life?  Did it propel you into a dynamic new and exciting adventure in which you knew that you were being spoken to and led by God Himself?  The truth is, this is what should happen every time you come into contact with the word.  The most powerful weapon in the universe is the word of God.  The bible says in John 1:1-5 NIV (Paraphrased) “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  The Word was with God in the beginning.  Through the Word all things were made; without the Word nothing was made that has been made.  In the Word was life, and that life was the light of men.  The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.

According to scripture this Word is so powerful and so explosive that it is the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrew 12:2).  It goes on to say that this Word has the power to bring us to life and discern our thoughts and attitudes and even penetrates our life to divide the spirit from the soul (Hebrew 4:12).  Saints we can see that this Word is Jesus Christ.  His Word is the voice within that creates the very faith we operate in.  Through the word God has chosen to speak to us in these last times.

Saints God’s Word supernaturally transmits information concerning the Purpose, Pattern, and Plan that He has for your life.  His Purpose, Pattern, and Plan are His Divine Design for your life.  There is no scrap in the Kingdom of God, and everything is used to get you into position to be of maximum service.
Hidden within the constitution or makeup of the word of God is the living power of Jesus Christ.  When he said I am Alpha and Omega (Revelation 1:8), He was saying I am the alphabet or the structure of the very word in Holy Scripture.  Alpha is the beginning letter of the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last letter.  The New Testament was written in Greek and Aramaic.  Christ was making the statement that every word of Scripture testifies of His deity.  This is given veracity in John 5:39 KJV, when Jesus says “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”

Most people miss the promises of God because they do not understand that they even exist.  The majority of churchgoers today will not pick up their bible and read them at all.  With the exception of once a week Sunday instructions from their pastor there is no interactions with the word with carries life within itself.

This negligent attitude and their busy schedules have created the very issues in which they attempt to escape.  The children run wild and rampant with abortions and illiteracy, and drug addiction, as the parents seek to fulfill the worldly dreams of success and reap sickness, alcoholism, and other forms of mental illnesses.  All of these are symptoms which come from one single root cause.  They cannot hear the voice of God and are operating in a self-imposed system of bedevilment's which could be avoided by simply hearing and obeying the voice of God.

It is time to listen for God with expectancy.  To know that He cannot lie, that He is constantly transmitting His message to you personally.  As I stated in my last book, “A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier,”  “The word of God is not locked into the ancient of days, nor is it conditioned by man.  His word is both timely and timeless”.   It is time to develop the ability to hear God’s voice.  This is not something that happens overnight and just like anything else can be lost through non-conditioning.

I will share with you seven dynamics that you can use to help you develop the ability to have the word of God literally explode in your heart.  Remember the main problem is not God speaking but mankind is block because of his busy schedule, calamities, drug addiction (prescription or illicit), or just plain ego.  When these are removed we become naturally adapted at hearing God’s voice.  Whether through the Holy Spirit speaking audibly to us, listening to our pastor preaching, or reading the word for ourselves, we were created to be instruments and channels for God’s power in our lives.   

While these seven dynamics are simple they will create a supernatural ability within your life to hear from God Himself.   Remember serving God is a choice and likewise with the things of this world.  A percentage of you must live in this world, but you must not be dominated by a world that is an enemy to God (James 4:4).  Most people truly do not understand that they partake of two kingdoms and must choose and strive to live in the Kingdom of God.  It is not a given because you believe in Christ.


 1. Authority – The word authority carries with it a negative connation as most people have had a problem with authority some at point in their life.  The truth is authority is what brings order to our world.   Whether we chose to live in the present wicked world, or serve in God’s kingdom we will live under someone’s authority.  The key is to understand that God has authority in all Kingdoms.  This is why it is necessary to get under and obtain His authority so we can hear from Him and no one else. 

The Word of God is explosive in that it can change and rearrange circumstances. What your present circumstance is saying now does not really matter. What matters is what the Word of God is saying about your circumstance. That is why it is very important for you to wake up and get yourself aligned with the Word of God.  It is time to get excited about God's Word, taking a firm hold upon God, believing His counsel implicitly, as well as the things that have been proclaimed to you and about you by His Spirit.

This can only be done through His revelation power. We must be able to hear, take authority in what He has said and move through to its manifestation.  This can only take place when you decide today to take authority over this world through the word of God. The power to create a change is already within you. Now hear Jesus: "Behold, I give unto you POWER...!" (Luke 10:19). That is the authority you have to create a change.  Nothing is going to change until you take authority and CHANGE IT!

2. Attitude - When listening for the word of God, you've got to develop the right attitude.  I've seen people with no skills but a great attitude and they are very successful.  Listen saints life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react.   When you change your attitude you become contagious to hearing God’s voice.  Everyone around you will begin to take notice and God will promote you seemingly with ease because you are now reacting to what God is saying rather than what is happening to you in life.  I will now list six stages that occur within this principle of attitude changePractice them on a conscious level and you will soon hear the still small voice of God coming through.

 1. Identify the problems and negative feeling you have.  This requires an accountability partner to share and bounce off godly ideas and concept to create a solution.

 2. Identify the problem behavior.  Know that you can’t live in constant sin and expect to have a proper attitude.  That which you can change should be spoken to with authority.  Make a public declaration to change it.

 3. Identify the right type of thinking.  There may be stuff going on upstairs that is not real.  Remember we are a product of what we think whether fancied or real.  Think on those things of God and meditate on His word.

4. Identify the type of crowd you hang around and receive advice from.  Birds of a feather stick together.  Stop being unequally yoke with those who are not believers.  They carry a different spiritual DNA, and a different attitude.

 5. Identification repentance.  Don’t just ask for forgiveness of your sin.  Make a list of those things that are an offense to God and yourself.  Look for fixed patterns of behaviors, feelings, and thoughts.  Take these to your accountability partner and then to God in prayer asking Him to remove these shortcomings.

 6. Identify a plan to produce righteous thinking.  Remember the devil is keeping a log book of what irritates you.  Decide to be proactive and less reactive.  The most important thing you can do in developing a proper attitude is to be true to oneself.  Know thyself.

3. Altitude – Did you know that your altitude determines your attitude? Jesus, the highest being there ever was and ever will be, voluntarily lowered Himself. He put Himself in such a low position that He was called a servant.  The bible states He that is least is the greatest in the Kingdom of God (Luke 9:48).

A surefire way to limit your altitude is to be content to just sit there. And yet that is the attitude of countless Christians. To just sit. They view Christianity as a spectator sport. They come to church to watch others perform. They’ll put some money in the plate if they liked the show that day. If the performance wasn't up to their standards, they’ll be sure to criticize it. They smile, shake a few hands, and they leave with their religious buzz for the week. God’s plan for us is to fly high in our lives and in our church. But to achieve those higher altitudes, we have to have the attitude of Jesus who was the greatest servant.

 4. Acknowledgement – We must acknowledge that God is real and that He is sovereign.  When we do this He recognizes that we are worthy to receive His blessings and He communicates with us just as a father would to bring about an advantageous lifestyle.

 In 1 Chronicles 28:9-10 (NIV) we see Solomon give God His due praise and receive the fruits of his acknowledgement.  “And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every desire and every thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.  Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a house as the sanctuary. Be strong and do the work.” To acknowledge God is to be guided and protected by God in all that you would do (Proverbs 3:5-6)

 5.  Acceptance – Sometimes we do not accept God’s will as well as we think we do.  This is especially true when it comes to hearing the voice of God and discerning his will for our lives in something we disagree with Him upon. Yet this is the fundamental pursuit in the life of faith.  The greatest temptation we face as a people of God is to be diverted from accepting His will. It is the constant struggle with which we live.

Acceptance Prayer

 Lord, I do not know what it is I should do.  I trust that you understand me better than I understand myself.  Father please direct my thinking.  Lead me to the place you would have me to be.  I give you all that I am Lord.  You know better than me what I need.  Please Lord reveal to me those things which are blocking me from you and my fellows.  Speak to me clearly oh Lord so that I may follow you and not become lost.  I accept your will for my life.  Amen.

 6. Adjustment – The word adjustment mean to align or adapt to a new environment.  This dynamic suggest the action of coming into harmony with God to bring about an explosive ability to hear His word.  Trust and believe that every adjustment is God-directed and fulfilled. Accept this truth quietly and faithfully and you can experience your refinement without taking offense at the very conditions that must take place to in order to move you to the next dimension of life God has in store for you.

 7. Advancement - In Philippians 1:12 Paul the apostle wrote, “But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance (advancement) of the gospel.  Understand that every encounter whether negative, positive, or unclassified is used to further the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ.  It is now time for advancement.  It’s time to hear the voice of God and be changed.  It’s time to pick up the mantle and know that the most important activity in the world is the advancement of the Kingdom of God.  This happens when men and woman hear the voice of God and it explodes in their hearts, they become sold out and have their lives led by God.  The voice of God is the certainty that creates men and women who do not falter in their purpose.  They understand that if it came from God, then it is a spiritual manifestation of their destiny.

  Remember all it takes is one word from God to completely transform your life.  The great fact is just this.  God is transmitting and His voice can be heard every hour, of every minute, of every second, of every day.  Prepare yourself for the explosive word of God.

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