This is a war. Sacrifice is what victory Is measured upon. The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and violence take it by force. When are you going to pick up your weapon of warfare. What type of military strategy suggest waiting for the attack?
This is not a war for land as most wars go. This is not a battle for money. This war is for spiritual territories and for the souls of God’s most precious creation
Must we always be in a position of defeat before we are incensed enough to move forward in battle. We are in the last days and we must develop a more proactive stance. We have been given The Sword of the Spirit which is the very Word of God itself. We wear the very Armor whose design was made by the hand of God. Beside all this God Himself lives within us to ensure that His purpose, pattern, and plan are Supernaturally transmitted to us without the enemy's knowledge. We have been made Holy, Set Apart and a Distinct Entity with a Kingdom of our own.
That's not the end of it. We have a Leader that is both King of Kings and The great High Priest, Warrior and Peace Maker, Lamb an the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.
He by Himself stood against the forces we battle against and defeated them all soundly, completely, and permanently. All we have to do is have Faith in Him our Commander In Chief and we are assured Salvation and then Victory against the wrath to come. If we strive to be obedient to his ways we can rest assure that the life we live on this plane will be to an advantage.
The Just shall live by faith, not logic, not reason, but faith. Get out of the problem and realize that our God is bigger than any problem. Stop looking at what you're going through and look at where you're going TO. Stop focusing on the Condition and move toward the Relation. This is abundant living. The Covenant is binding , legal, authoritative and PowerFill. There is more to Christ than you've been told.
When are you going to pick up your weapon of warfare?
ReplyDeleteI agree with this entirely.