Youth Revival
Key Scripture
1 John 1:5-7, 5
this then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that
God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
6 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we
lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk
in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another and
the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
The word fellowship comes from the word Fellow, meaning related by blood, marriage, or union. And Ship
meaning we are all going in the same direction or the same destination.
Youth – is
defined as the time period between adolescent and adulthood. That means you are
not a child but you’re not an adult either.
Revival – In my
new book A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier I stated that “The word
revive in one sense means to restore to consciousness or life, to bring back
from a depressed, inactive or unused state, but for Christianity this word has
become an old worn out and archaic idea.
The Christian definition for revival
is a term that generally refers to a specific period of increased spiritual
interest, or a renewal in the life of an individual, church congregation, or
many churches, either regionally or globally, bringing AGAIN into activity and
prominence the worship and spiritual influence of God.”
If you look at the word revival as I just outlined it then
you will see a complete degradation of the very instrument which gives the
church its influence and power. This instrument is the power of the Holy
Without the Holy Spirit you have Spiritual sleep, spiritual
death. This proves conclusively that if
there is a need for revival, then there must be a cataclysmic failure of the
church to move, operate, and be led under the auspices of the Holy Spirit. There is a breakdown of capacity and ability
to walk and fellowship with Jesus Christ.
That is why you hear
cry for REVIVAL……
The YOUTH today
are under severe attack. They are being
overwhelmed without resistance, restraint, strategy, or vision
I am going to speak on and call out by NAME 7 Major spiritual attacks that the youth
of today are facing. Keep in mind if
there is an attack it is because there are demons present.
Keep in mind I am not talking about the youth
of the world, I am talking about the youth in the Church house today. The world is getting exactly what it CHOOSES by rejecting God.
DIS-Honor the parents, Filthy
communication w Parent, Teachers and each other. God’s word said Honor thy Mother and Father
that thy days may be long upon the earth.
This is why children are dying before their parents like never
before. You must learn HONOR and INTEGRTY.
Suicide –
This is the spirit of DEPRESSION AND
DEMISE. Suicide is a permanent to a temporary problem and is a direct
result of not having faith in and walking in fellowship with Christ.
Suicide is the leading cause of death amongst Youth in America today.
Fornication –
This is not just having sex outside of marriage but the forsaking of God and
following after or depending on other gods and idols. You open a door within yourself to demonic
activity which can move through 3 to 4
generations after you. The CDC states
that 53% of all high school students
have had sex. I’m calling it out tonight.
Let’s take the kids gloves off and say that this is against God and you
will reap the consequences.
Abortions - The
callous murder of one’s own unborn child.
This is satanic child sacrifice.
There have been 60 million abortions since Roe vs. Wade in 1971. 60% of these abortions are from black females
age 16 to 25. A lot of them from
Christian homes.
Drug/Alcohol Abuse –
Drugs and alcohol are mind and mood altering substances. Biblically in the
Greek, the word for drug use is Pharmakia which when translated into English
mean sorcery or witchcraft. This
includes marijuana and cigarettes. All
drugs are a Spirit. A
Stronghold. That’s why it’s hard to
break any addiction.
STD’s – According
to the CDC, About 9 million youth ages 13 to 19 contracts an STD each year. 10K
youth contract HIV on a yearly basis. Of those 53% high school youth having
sex, 77% of them do so without birth control.
We have an epidemic on hour hands parents. Today
is your Wake-Up call!!!
The Spirit of
entitlement – Youth today believes they are owed something or are
privileged to it JUST BECAUSE. They are selfish, self-centered, dishonest,
and full of fear. The main reason
behind this is the Country, the State, the City, and the Households are all out
of order. Children now run their
household. Listen what you want is not a
I know that I’m going to step on some toes here with what
I’m about to say, BUT These pestilence, diseases, mental illnesses, addictions,
delusions, and deaths have always been allowed by God for sinful acts in the
They are judgments.
They are
not just happening by accidents. The
Bible plainly teaches that our choices bear consequences. Whatever a man sows,
that’s what he reaps (Galatians 6:7-8).
Righteousness brings blessing and sin
brings judgment and consequences:
It’s time to UNDERSTAND
who you are and where you are in this life.
Many times it’s the adults giving teenagers permission to walk in
darkness because in error most adults believe the youth cannot live the
lifestyle God call them to live.
Let’s go to Bible
Doctrine and see what God has to say.
Mary was about 14 years old engaged to Joseph when God birth
in her Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.
She was willing to face the embarrassment she knew she would face to
make a stand for God.
David was a 15 year old boy who had slain a bear, a lion and
then Goliath by faith in God. David was
a youth acting like a man. Today that lion, that bear and that Goliath
represent the enemies in your life. Our enemies today are spiritual. You’re
going to have to make strong stand 4 God and you’re going to have to make a
real choice 4 God. To not choose God is
to make a choice to stand for the enemy.
The 3 Hebrew boys were about 16 or 17 when they made a stand
for God and decided they would rather die than reject Him. You see whenever you make a stand for God in
this world you will have to go through your fiery furnace. But you won’t have
to walk alone because just like Jesus walk with them He will walk with
Jesus said I will never leave you
nor forsake you. The word of God is not
locked into the Ancient of days nor is it conditioned by man. His word is both timely and timeless.
All of these were youths were at the age of accountability.
Accountability is the age when you are responsible for answering the call of
God. It when you are accountable for
what you do or what you don’t do. This
is why there has been an unholy attack in America on kids in the last 20 years.
There are killings in school, kids murdering their parents, babies having
babies, and homosexuality is a rampant reality amongst the youth today.
It’s time to make a
stand. Just because your mother &
father ARE Christians does not mean
you are automatically a Christian. God
is calling you. His word does not
change. Pick up the Holy Scriptures,
read then apply them to your life.
Repent & stop practicing sin.
Just because your mother and father are not saved does not mean that has
to be your fate. Listen up, Ignorance
of Gods law is no excuse.
I have children that I am responsible for. I held my younger child’s hand when we cross
the street because she didn't know any better, but I don’t hold my youths hand
because they are supposed to know better and it would seem strange if they
needed me to hold their hands just to get across the street.
It is the same way in fellow shipping with God in His
spiritual kingdom. Youth, you are
responsible up in this church. I want
the youth here to listen up. As
believers, you are expected to grow like a child does. When you are young in
your faith, God only expects for you to get the "milk". There’s always more room to make mistakes
because you're growing, learning, just like a child does.
If you can say that you've been a believer for x-amount of
years and you're still making the same mistakes, you haven't grown as you
should spiritually.
Just imagine if my 13-year-old Son Kadesh was still wearing
diapers and eating jars of Gerber baby food: wouldn't that seem strange? How
much more, then, should we grow year to year, glory to glory in our walk with
Acts 2:17 - And it shall come to pass in the last days, says
God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old
men shall dream dreams.
1. Last Days begin when Jesus died on the cross over 2,000
yrs. ago. We are in the Laster Last Days
2. God’s Spirit is available to anyone who receives and
fellowship with Him.
3. Don’t get it twisted.
Fellowship in God’s Kingdom does not come in words or just deeds but in
Power. You can come to the church house every day and not be in fellowship with
God. Just look at most of the youth in
regular church service. Texting,
talking, stoned faced, no praise no worship.
4. For too long the church has lived in old archaic
traditions, treating youth as if they are not able. They are more than
able. They must… make a stand & A
5. For too long the church house has been longing for
revival, for a makeover. God has
instructed us to walk in the New Man on a daily basis. God has commanded us to be new, to actually
have nothing to do with the old man.
2 Corinthians 5:17,
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed
away; behold, all things are become new.
That’s now, you’re new right now. New
is a condition that exists now that has never existed before. Stop crying out for revival and walk in Victory and Power. Revival is not a New Testament word given to us. Christ paid and finished it all!!!
His spirit is available to anyone. Today we are here for the
purpose of you answering that calling. You see it’s already done. It’s finish.
Jesus did it all. It’s time to
run the race now. It’s time to take a
stand and draw a line in the sand of your life and make a choice.
In closing, in the book of Joshua 24 verse 15 God spoke through Joshua and said, “Choose today whom you will serve”.
Joshua was stating here that if serving God is troublesome,
a burden, embarrassing, and not a pleasure and delight: if you have found a
better master, and whose service will be more pleasant and profitable to you
then make a choice. But choose.
When it comes to me and my family, we shall serve the
Lord. Listen, God is saying here if this
is something you choose not to do then I break fellowship with you and I give
you your leave.
God is not obligated to bless you if you are not in order or
fellowship with Him. You cannot have
fellowship with God and walk in darkness.
This is a lie and Satan not God is the Father of the lie.
No man can serve 2 masters.
To the Youth that are here tonight I charge you to choose Jesus Christ,
walk in and acknowledge Him in all your ways.
After this morning I have spiritual death, death is the only way out.
ReplyDeleteTo my friend who believes there is No Way Out. I want you to know that there is hope. I know it may appear to be hopeless but sometimes you've got to Cry out to God.
ReplyDeleteTake the time out to just utter a simple prayer "God help me, I'm in need of your touch. I don't need you tomorrow, I don't need you today, I need you right now.
Email me your phone number at
I am willing to assist you in any way possible. All is not lost.
In the Mighty and Majestic Name of Jesus.