The Conspiracy and Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible

Friday, January 20, 2012

The True Preacher By Minister Speed

John The Baptist
This lesson is taken from the Holy Bible the book of Matthew 11:11 where Jesus makes a statement that every preacher out here today should listen to.  He makes the statement “Verily I say unto you, among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist…”

Jesus is making the statement that no man born of woman is greater than John the Baptist.  That he is the greatest PREACHER, the greatest PROPHET, bar none, the greatest MAN that has ever been born out of the womb of a woman.

Tonight I declare that it’s about time that a John the Baptist type preacher stands up.  It’s about time that a real preacher stands up and takes the pulpit and declares “Thus saith the Lord”, and say what God has said to say, and to whom God has said to say it to, and could care less what ANYBODY thinks about it.

Jesus statement has two fold implications.  He is speaking of His own deity as we see John making the statement in John 1:27” He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloosen.”  John knew he had a great destiny, but also knew that Jesus was the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. 

You see John the Baptist was the forerunner for Jesus the Christ.  He’s the one that introduced Jesus to the nation of Israel. 

Now walk with me and imagine this.  From John the Baptist going back 400 years, God had not called a Prophet.  For 400 years God had not called a preacher.  For 400 years God had been silent. 

From the opening book of Malachi to the end of 3rd Chapter where Jesus spoke a prophecy concerning John the Baptist, ending in Chapter 4 God did not send, call, nor ordain a prophet or preacher in Israel. 

The incredible thing is the people were still preaching, they were still prophesying.  But none of them had been “CALLED” by God.  Finally after 400 years of SILENCE God raises up a prophet by the name of John the Baptist of whom Jesus said, no man born of a woman has been a greater prophet than he.


That if I’m going to model my ministry after someone it’s not going to be after these JOKERS on TV who don’t live what they teach.  It’s not going to be one of these so call preachers who rape and rob God’s people in the name of self, but it’s going to be model after a man that Jesus said there’s never been a greater man than, a greater preacher than, a greater prophet than.

When I stand before Jesus I want Him to look at me and say now there’s a great prophet.  Now there’s a great preacher.

There’s somebody here that’s doing what I told him to do.

There’s somebody here that’s saying what I told them to say.

There’s somebody here that’s honoring me in everything that they ARE.

There’s someone here that’s saying I don’t care whether people like it or not.

There’s someone here that’s saying I don’t care if it makes me popular or not.

Here’s someone “I” called to preach.

His momma didn’t call him.

His daddy didn’t call him

The church he grew up in didn’t call him.

But I called him to preach the word, and because I called him, and because he listened, and because he’s doing what I told him to do.  HE IS A GREAT PROPHET!!!

You know what makes John the Baptist so great?

He lived what he preached... and I believe that in this our hour, it’s time for some John the Baptist style preachers to come on the scene.

Some people that can’t be controlled by a “church board.”

God gave us a church board and I’m glad for it, but God did not raise up a church board to control a preacher.

God never raised up a Deacon institute to control the man of God.

God never raised up a Trustee to tell the man of God what to say.

God calls a man and places him in front of the local assembly and says;

You be my prophet.

You preach what I say preach.

If I tell you to drop the plow, then you drop it.

If I tell you to encourage the congregation, then you encourage them.

If I tell you to preach against liquor, then you preach against liquor.

If I tell you to preach against the act of homosexuality, then you preach against it.

No matter what I tell you to preach, that’s what you PREACH!!!

That’s the kind of preacher I want to be.  I want Jesus to look at me and say “that was a great preacher.”

It’s time for some John the Baptist type preachers to arise and let the enemies of God be scattered.  Let the word of God be true, and let every man be a liar.

It’s time for a John the Baptist type be raised up in the midst who will stand up for the word of God, under the authority of the Holy Spirit and say:

Thus saith the Lord, This is the way of God; walk ye in it.

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