I Am a prince, the Son of the King of the Universe.
Today I will be consumed with total love.
I will not worry, have fear, or project a negative destiny.
From this moment on I claim my rightful place in the Kingdom
of God.
Today I will manifest my spiritual purpose in the universe.
I Am and
will always be free from any bondage whether
positive, or unclassified.
I Am wealthy
and right now spiritual prosperity has begun to flow into
my life
unexpectedly and with ease.
My material life regarding food, shelter, clothing,
transportation, and jobs are manifesting themselves without my permission or consideration.
I believe you reap what you sow and right now by faith in
Yeshua THE Christ, God, Yahweh Elohim is bringing all these
things to pass in my life.
I believe in the spiritual law of attraction and that I
am by faith in Christ the source of all God’s blessing for
my life.
If I believe,
If I think it,
If I speak it.
I shall receive it.