The Conspiracy and Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible

Monday, June 30, 2014

Christian Hermeneutics Course

The Spiritual Soldier

Bible Training is Not for Profit.

The Christian Restoration Ministry

Biblical Hermeneutics
6 Week course In Understanding Biblical interpretation

Minister Jimmie Speed

Course Syllabus

All rights reserved.

Course Description


Welcome to the Christian Restoration Ministry 6 week course in hermeneutics, a course designed to expand your understanding of biblical hermeneutics.  The term hermeneutics can be intimidating.  It sounds academic and is foreign to most of our vocabulary.  However, the act of interpretation is as common as communication itself.  

Whenever someone speaks, a listener interprets what the speaker means. But what is interpretation when we apply it to the very word of God itself? How can we legitimately and effectively interpret the Bible? This course will instruct you in various ways in biblical interpretation and will show how specific methods are applied to Bible study.

This course is for your personal enrichment only, and your course certificate cannot be used in conjunction with any academic or continuing education credit.

Ministry Information

It is the mission of The Christian Restoration Ministry to prepare disciples to deal with the issues and realities within this world by developing their mind, body, spirit, and soul to its fullest potential, all from the foundation of biblical truth.  We are a Spiritual Strategic Branch within the Christian Church.  Just as every military branch has a Special Forces division, we as spiritual soldiers are unique in that we are God’s Special Forces.  

We are leaders from within the churches of God and the 12 Step Community who cite “a lack of inter-service coordination and training as significant factors in the failure of the mission to further the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus the Christ”.

If you are a serious Bible Student seeking continuing Prophetic teaching, please visit our website at:

Or call for registration at (909)-524-2862

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, you should be able to do the following:

• Understand the characteristics of a good interpreter of Scripture.
• Defend your position on whether a passage of Scripture can have only one or multiple meanings.
• Identify and interpret literary devices used in biblical narratives.
• Formulate teaching or preaching outlines of biblical narrative passages.
• Recognize key interpretive clues as you approach the study of prophetic passages of Scripture.
• Develop an attitude of both confidence and caution in interpreting Scripture doctrinally.
• Commit to a regular practice of devotional Bible reading, prayer, and meditation.

Course Outline

Hermeneutics A Call To Study Scriptures
Jesus The Ultimate Leader
2 Different Levels Of Influence In Leadership
Motives In Teaching
2 Types Of Hermeneutics
The Study Of Antecedent
Study Of Literary Devices
7 Qualities Of An Expository Preacher
3 Common Mistakes People Make In Scripture Interpretation
12 Principles Of Teaching
5 Principles Of Bible Hermeneutics
Summary Of Hermeneutical principles
Homiletics, The Structuring Of a Message
Course Certificate Presentation

Course Facilitator:

Minister Jimmie Speed of The Christian Restoration Ministry presents a Spiritual Fitness Ministry with dynamic Godly & Christian principles and strategies by which anyone can be restored and spiritually operate in this world we live in. He is a published author, businessman, powerful leader, and dynamic speaker whose main goal is to help lead others to Christ and then see them discipled through the unadulterated word of God.