The Conspiracy and Hidden Identity of Blacks in the Bible
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
A CALL TO ARMS" Excerpt from A Declaration to a Spiritual Soldier By Minister Speed
Hello my brothers and sisters. I greet you in the undisputable name of Jesus Christ in whose authority there is no contestation. I’ve written this book to personally thank and impact you with the knowledge that while men do not yet speak our name in fear and while no books have been written concerning our deeds, we have been given the power to become sons and daughters of God himself.
We have been counted more than conquerors in Christ; we are overcomers. The Spirit of God bears witness that we are correct to leave all, and press toward the mark for the higher calling of God in the Christ. For this reason, I say to you that this world has been given a time and the fullness of the Gentiles will usher in, as prophesies have spoken, the coming of scripture to pass. There shall be signs for those who are in Christ and know that they have been manifesting themselves precisely according to the word of God in whom there is no shadow of turning.
This is why we wait up on the LORD, as children wait on a father’s return, with all the expectancy of having the knowledge that “as it has been written, so it shall be done.” Remember, that this same Jesus, who was taken from you into Heaven, shall return in a like manner. We as true believers must renew our minds and heart to the last will and testament of our God. We must stand firm in our commitment to what he has not only asked of us, but what he’s promised. The word of God is not locked into the Ancient of Days, nor is it conditioned by man; His word is both timely and timeless.
It is time to come out of the world, so that you are not partakers of her sins, and that you do not receive of the plagues for her sins. My brothers and sisters, there can no longer be a desire to have a balance with the world and the Kingdom of our God, and our LORD which was established before the foundation of the world, and seen by the host of Heaven, experienced by the adversary when God came in the form of a man and drank from the cup, the redemptive solution, a virgin’s birth, a sacrifice, the cross, the atoning blood, death, resurrection, and ascension to the right hand of the throne of God.
We, who are believers in God through Jesus the Christ, are few and take heart that this saying is true. For many shall come in the last days saying, “Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in Your name and in Your name have we not cast out devils,” and the Lord replied, “While you knew of me, I never knew of you, depart from me you who practice a lifestyle of sin.”
My brothers and sisters take heart and love the Lord with all that you have because when we stand in the presence of Him, this world and all its pull will have been but a glance to the eternity of the coming glory we are to experience. Hold fast to your crown, and remember that there will be many who come to deceive you saying that there is a work that a man can do to reconcile himself to God. If that is true, that work would nullify the blood of Jesus the Christ.
The word speaks expressively of the latter days, that seducing spirits would draw men and women away from the truth which is in the fullness of the gospel and penned so precisely by God’s Spirit that it is written that even a fool cannot error. Understand that the spirit which draws away is the spirit of the anti-Christ. Know that the system that is the world is my enemy, and I make no conciliations, concessions, nor do I hold it up in what it says regarding God. That there are just as many ways to get to God as there are religions, and that if a person practice good works that assures them a position to stand before the throne as a member of the Kingdom of Heaven. Know that our God says that He is the only way, the only truth, and the only light; if a man does not believe that He is Christ, that person dies in his sins.
I have personally accepted the veracity of scriptures as reality. Not one dot of an I, nor shall the cross of the T be excluded from my Savior’s mouth before it will come to pass. Let the nations and non-believers be as such because one is, one was, and one is to come. That one is Jesus the Christ. In him, I have placed my complete trust and abandoned my mind, body, spirit and, soul to the called out Church of God of which Jesus Christ is head.
In closing, like Paul, I can honestly say I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision of my calling. God has revealed himself to me and called me to minister those things he has disclosed.
“To open the eyes of the lost, and turn them from darkness back to light, and from the power of Satan back to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and an inheritance amongst the set apart ones of Jesus the Christ. May God direct you in purpose and in strength. Amen
Friday, September 14, 2012
A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier, By Minister Speed
The book A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier is intended to be the first in a series of three books which speaks candidly and unapologetically of the satanic deceptions and failures within what the Minister calls the false and apostate church which parallels the Church of Jesus Christ today.
A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier is a wake up call. It is a call of obedience to the word and will of God. It is a call to lay aside traditional lip service and pick up the banner of Jesus Christ. This book is a declaration for sobriety from the intoxication of worldly ideologies which run rampant in the Church of God where Jesus Christ is LORD.
This new book, the first in this series by
Minister Speed has invaded an area of great conflict, “The Spiritual Warfare
Within,” and addresses issues of great concern including the failure of Church
leadership, and the lack of Power so evident and present in the church today.
He also offers a critical look at the passive, placating, and politically correct spirit which runs rampant throughout the church today.
Minister Speed is an innovator in his word
method delivery, and his compassion for the lost is only matched by his desire
to see others come to know God through Jesus Christ as he has and have their
lives restored.
This book, while controversial is a rich and rare blend of personal intensity, scriptural integrity. and practical insight. If you want to reach for the higher calling of God, to truly develop and condition your spirit man, then I highly recommend A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier.
This book, while controversial is a rich and rare blend of personal intensity, scriptural integrity. and practical insight. If you want to reach for the higher calling of God, to truly develop and condition your spirit man, then I highly recommend A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier.
This book will revolutionize the way in which you perceive God,
yourself, and the world around you.
To purchase a copy of this dynamic new book
Send $20.00 plus $2.00 shipping/handling To:
Jimmie Speed
P.O Box 246584
Monday, September 3, 2012
The Truth of God and the Deception within Christianity By Minister Speed
The general public never believes Truth, or reality. They did not believe the prophets of the Bible, nor even Yahweh Elohim Himself. It really matters not if people disagree, dislike, or reject what is set forth on this page.
Everything I write, and everything I publish, is being done with the intent to PREPARE PEOPLE for the move of Yahweh Elohim (The Lord our God) that lies on the horizon.
I want it known that this page nor books I publish are NOT published to convince people ofANYTHING found on it by my efforts, as the convincing belongs to the "Spirit of God." Nor is it published to coerce people into following what is presented upon it. However, I do know that the days ahead will more than validate and authenticate the integrity which does lie upon its pages.
We must come to the understanding that we are on a journey, and in that journey, it is not so much of where we are at present, but WHERE WE ARE GOING. God Himself is the author and finisher of the Books. We are merely cascading towards an apocalyptic and all-consuming end.
The Church has been taught that she will be lifted before these things take place. Many call this thePre-Tribulation doctrine. I say that the Church is full of demons and false doctrine. It has willingly entered into a state of apostasy. It must be purged of the fake and phony that litters her sacred halls.
We are all living in the "Kingdom of Darkness" that is working overtime to hold us in its captivity through lies, deception, and illusion. It IS "The DEVILS MATRIX" and we are being programmed constantly through its propaganda, through the techniques of mind control, both from this natural realm and upon our minds from the spirit realm. This "strong delusion" is taking everyone who does not receive the "love for the truth" to destruction!!!
We are not on a pleasure cruise, or just experiencing life as it naturally unfolds people. We are IN A WAR ZONE!!! As I stated in my new book this war that is being fought is between Yahweh God and Satan, between Jesus Christ and anti-Christ, the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness.
If you are not viewing your existence on this earth from this perspective, YOU ARE DECEIVED!!! Not only deceived, but headed toward a speeding train wreck with horrific end. The days just ahead are going to be horrendous.
When I speak of Army I do not mean one of flesh but the army of the Lord God Himself. When I say weapons I do not mean those that would inflict physical wounds but spiritual warfare.
This is the power of Yahweh Himself living within us. Do not be deceived. The truth is available but many rely upon corrupt man to dispense it without thought as to who that man is.
We are told in 1st John 5 that "the whole world lieth in wickedness." Is that THE TRUTH? If so, then what kind of world are we living in? And, how did this come to be? Why is the whole world operating in WICKEDNESS? Do you see it that way? If not, then WHY NOT?
In Romans 8 we are told that: Verse 7 the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. What is this "carnal mind? Where did it come from? Who is functioning in it? WHAT IS THE RESULT? Can you identify this mind in yourself?
This word "ENMITY" means to be in opposition, hostility to and therefore at WAR WITH God and HIS ways. Are you hearing me? Anyone walking in the carnal mind is against, or at war with God. Can a person have a carnal mind, be an enemy to God and BE SAVED?
People, we are in a very serious day. This nation has cursed itself "unto death", unto severe judgment, and those judgments ARE FALLING. With over 50 million abortions, slavery, the genocide of people in every country on the planet, inequity of justice, the modern slavery called private prison farms. The "Beginning of Sorrows" IS ESCALATING. Natural calamities are ON THE RISE. We are constantly on the threshold of economic chaos. New diseases are showing up constantly.
On top of that, the New World Order or biblically, the political and religious BEAST as prophesied in Revelation has determined to wipe the believers off of the face of the earth, and has set up the necessary machinery to do just that.
People everywhere are wondering what is wrong with their life. Most are running hither and yonder, especially the Internet "surfers", to try and find a solution, while the Bible gathers dust within the reach of their hand.
Yes, knowledge is increasing at a very rapid rate, yet life for most seems to worsen. Why hasn't this increase of knowledge brought about happiness? As you will see, the solution to the happy, successful life is very plain when a person's understanding is opened.
You can run all over ever learning, hoping someone will solve our problems for us, but until we find theTruth and apply it to Your life, Your life WILL NOT CHANGE. God is not obligated to bless you if your house is not in order. We cannot keep doing the same things and expect different results. That is insanity.
Therefore God brings that which will cause the desire in us for change, and then gives us revelation of His Word that causes that change, if we will submit to it. Yes, He is the one who does the work, who energizes us, enables us to submit, but we will have to submit by applying ourselves to the revelation He is opening to us in order to come into that which He is changing us to.
Gaining head knowledge is one thing; gaining experience of that knowledge through life's experiences is quite another. The Word does NOT become flesh in us by the gaining of head knowledge. It may be the beginning of change, but it will not bring forth actual change. What changes us is being put into situations where the Word becomes life in us by putting our self on the cross, and letting the Word come forth in us.
This IS what is happening to those who are being put through very difficult times, if they are walking the walk with Yahweh Elohim correctly. If such a one is walking correctly, then the Word will come forth in that individual, become life in them, and by that bring the individual into subjection of the Word, and the Word is Jesus Christ who is manifesting Himself in us.
There are a number of people with a "Great Calling" upon their life, and they KNOW it. Yet, they are isolated and hidden from view. They are frustrated, because their "calling" seems of little value, let alone be that which is bringing forth fruit. Because of that "calling", the enemy has launchedviciously upon them, and has worked overtime to keep them suppressed, oppressed and ISOLATED! These are the ones with whom I am trying to reach. They need the understanding of what is happening to them, and WHY!
In closing, the most important matter, the highest priority on our list, should be to come out of all the lies and deceptions that are running rampant over the earth, and into the truth. Those that do NOT do so will be left in the "Strong Delusion", and the ultimate consequence of such.
Pick up my new book “A Declaration to the Spiritual Soldier.” It is pack with biblical principles as revealed from God that will enable you to develop a RENEW your mind so you may escape the coming destruction.
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